Saturday, February 20, 2010

Battery Mini Blender How Do You Keep Fruit Cold Without A Fridge?

How do you keep fruit cold without a fridge? - battery mini blender

I'll put a blender with the batteries in my locker so I can have smoothies for breakfast, but you do not know how I keep my fruit cold without a refrigerator, and my closet is not big enough for a mini-fridge.
PS there is no electrical outlet nearby.


Me Want Cookie! said...

lmfaoo, you will be given serious battery .....? Blender
Why not just the mixer into the house and put it in a thermos and bring to school ..

H-man said...

Get a cooler and ice bricks. This should always be the drinks cold until lunch, when I go home and the stones in the freezer so you can see her the next day.

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