Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lucky Craft Lures Canada Why Are Lucky Craft Lures So Expensive? Anything Special?

Why are lucky craft lures so expensive? Anything special? - lucky craft lures canada


When I'm using baits that are high in price to be fair, I'm also curious about the nature. But remember, trust is the best investment that can help, regardless of the lures listed in front.

Here are a few "For Case:
Mepps Spinner upnorth seems so basic black with yellow spots, and roulette. But to the manure collection of pike and muskellunge.

In salt water, there are lures that catch Spanish mackerel, as Rapala xrapid Sidewinder and a kind of expensive. However, a cheap Saltstriker is deadly.

Go out and buy the boat a chance. Fish, as if "knows" that something is taken. Once you get the honest effort, you can then decide exhausted when washing the price.

Good luck!

1 comment:

tk said...

Nope nothing special, just a common brand name. Supposively it work better, but u still the same result. But it is more expensive. I say just buy the cheapest of the various shapes and colors. Use it to see what works best

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